Training for gyroplane pilot certificates is in accordance with the FAA Practical
Test Standards, as these are the criteria for the final flight check-ride or proficiency check. The following
rates are provided for your convenience and we encourage you to contact us with any questions relating to
your particular requirements.
Gyroplane ground school is $50 per hour.
Study material:
Gyroplane flight instruction is $225 per hour and includes:
- Certified gyroplane flight instructor (CFI)
- Company gyroplane
- Fuel
Training in a student's gyroplane is $150 per hour and includes:
- Certified gyroplane flight instructor (CFI)
- Hang-testing the student's gyroplane for proper weight and balance
- Flight testing the student's gyroplane for safe flight
- Reasonable flight control adjustments and alignments for safe flight
- A Designated Airworthiness Representative (DAR) is available (for an additional charge) to provide an Airworthiness Certificate if required
All flight check-rides and proficiency checks except CFI initial are $700 each and includes:
- Certified gyroplane flight instructor (CFI)
- Company gyroplane
- Fuel
CFI initial check-ride is $850 and includes:
- Certified gyroplane flight instructor (CFI)
- Company gyroplane
- Fuel